Lenormand fortune telling cards
The new craze in Europe…Lenormand fortune telling cards!
Lenormand fortune telling cards were created by Mademoiselle Lenormand in 18 century France. They have become very popular because unlike Tarot they are not rooted in the spiritual or the occult. There are 36 cards in most Lenormand decks and they deal with realities of everyday life. They provide direct answers to situations in this material world. If you are stressed and anxious about something material, you can get quick answers that are precise and practical. Their symbols are also from everyday life like a Mountain, Garden, Book, Rider, etc.
Mademoiselle Lenormand who created these cards was the most famous clairvoyant of her times. She led an unusual and tumultuous life. Rebellious and bold, she was a fey child who made predictions that came true. And she was punished for them.
In Paris she heard of Etteilli Tarot cards but could not afford them. So, she started predicting with her playing cards and other materials like eggs, water, lamp, mirrors and coffee grounds. She was led to various alleyways of divination early in life, and met leading necromancers, magicians, Kabala practitioners, Tarot card readers, Cartomancers of the times. She wrote several books and made future predictions that were all correct.
She predicted World War I, space travel and air travel way ahead of their happening. She also predicted the French Revolution, fall of Louis the XVI, the beheading of Queen Marie Antoinette, rise of Napoleon, his marriage and his downfall.
She became a household name in France and UK. And ruled the salons and courts of both the countries. Imprisoned several times she dabbled in controversies until the very end.
Dr. Roopa Patel is a well-known Tarot consultant. She was the among the first to start Tarot in India. For consultation, please email to: roopapatel121@gmail.com, roopa.bhardwaj@hotmail.com
The cards that have come up for you are Number 10 Scythe and Number 1 Rider. Scythe is a card of sudden happenings. There could be a sudden news, a sudden opportunity or a sudden promotion that may come your way. Along with the Rider, it indicates movement, change, and news. Something new is coming into your life; it could be the breakthrough that you have been waiting for. On the health side, the Scythe could indicate a sudden medical issue or an operation. So be careful regarding your health this quarter.
You have drawn card Number 27 Letter and card Number 14 Fox. Another card that has come up is card Number 28 Man. If you are working on a new project then you will need to work really hard and check your paperwork. The card of Letter indicates the need to handle documentation efficiently. The card of Fox encourages going over things again and again. Please don’t try to take any shortcuts. You need to give I00 per cent to your work. You need to resolve teething issues. You are sitting on a gold mine. This could be the opportunity of a lifetime. Please don’t mess it up because of laziness or over-confidence. The card of the Man that you have drawn indicates an important person associated with the project.
You have drawn the following cards. The card of Child which is card Number 13 and Bird which is card Number 12. This combination indicates nervousness. If you are starting a new project, please don’t ask too many opinions or scatter your energy in discussing the same issue again and again. Just go ahead after thoroughly going over the plans once. As far as relationships go, you could be mending a fence. You could reconsider an old relationship and start afresh with better understanding after some initial tension. Be consciously mature and avoid childish reactions and tantrums.
You have drawn card Number 27 Letter, card Number 18 Dog, and card Number 6 Clouds. This quarter is about getting in touch with friends, networking, and discussing issues that need clarification for you could get some positive news. The Clouds indicate confusion and lack of clarity. Take pain and effort to sort out doubts and resolve conflicts. On the work front, a colleague or a friend can help you sort out some work-related issues. Confide in your friends if you have any problems. They will be supportive.
The cards that have come up for you are Number 19 Tower and Number 8 Coffin. These indicate that you will need to have patience this quarter. Things will work out in their own time. You pushing them hard will not bring any desired result. It is time to take it easy and let things be. On the health front, you need to take care of your back and spine. Be disciplined about your health. Change your lifestyle and spend time in solitude. A lot of rest is required to recover physically and mentally. Take a break from day-to-day commitments.
You have drawn card Number 36 Cross and Number 24 Heart. You have also drawn card Number 14 Fox. The focus this quarter is on personal relationships both at work and outside. There are some karmic relationships that need to be dealt with patience and hard work. The Cross indicates karmic aspects and Heart suggests personal relationships. Fox indicates the efforts required. Fox could also indicate the need to be alert and wary and not let people hoodwink you, especially at work. You could meet your soulmate but
remember lessons will come from this kind of relationship. Good luck.
Card Number 15 Bear and card Number 17 Stork are cards for you this quarter. These are both good cards and indicate that major changes are coming your way. At work there could be a shakeup and a new order could be established, which may benefit you in a big way. Embrace whatever changes come your way for it will bring you huge gains. Your family life may also go through change through child birth, marriage, house move. There could be events that jazz up your life. A good quarter.
You have drawn excellent cards this quarter. The cards are Number 16 Star and Number 31 Sun. Both are brilliant cards for success and breakthroughs. Do take advantage of this powerful combination and transform your life in every way. This is the time for action and cutting through your karmas. So, make that extra effort to get what you want. Your long-term wishes will get fulfilled. New insights and resolutions can solve long-term issues both at home and at work. Things will fall into place as if by magic. Good luck.
You have drawn the card of Ship which is Number 3 and the card of Book which is Number 26. Ship is a card of travel, enterprise, and activity. There could be new opportunities for business or overseas appointment. The Book indicates research and study. The suggestion is for you to prepare, study, and research for exciting possibilities. You could do a course or even take an exam, leading to brighter prospects. You could also go off on a cruise for your summer break. There is movement and excitement and exploration.
The cards that have come up for you are Number 35 Anchor and Number 33 Key. Both these cards are positive and indicate solutions to problems that you might have. Anchor is stability and support. The Key suggests that you will find the perfect solution. A turnkey project may come to you too. With these cards you can be confident that you will be able to rise to any situation and deliver results. They indicate success and achievement, strength and victory, security and resourcefulness. All obstacles, doubts, and confusions disappear. An excellent quarter.
You have drawn the cards of Tower and the Moon. Tower is Number 19 and the Moon is Number 32. The indication is to resolve your past by finding solutions in the present. Let go of past karmas and seek positive creative outcomes with the help of the Moon. The Moon indicates an invitation or a proposition. The advice is to accept that and work through long-standing issues. The Moon is also about fears and morbid imagination. Please don’t allow them to affect you. Please connect to God with prayers and meditation. Heal your past and let go of resentment. A bright future opens up.
You have drawn cards of Coffin and Letter. Coffin is Number 8 and Letter is Number 27. These indicate delays. This quarter, please don’t expect things to move fast. Don’t be impatient for results. You need to cultivate patience and positivity. Please spend time in spiritual practice and meditation, which will help you deal with all situations. Take care of your health. It is important that you follow a routine and live a disciplined life. Avoid launching new projects or changing jobs this quarter. Rather consolidate what you have. Go over your accounts and pay special attention to your communication. Prepare and wait.
The forecasts are the interpretation of an independent Reader until the end of May 2024.
HDFC Bank is in no way associated with Tarot readings.