Lenormand fortune telling cards

By Roopa Patel December 28, 2023

The new craze in Europe…Lenormand fortune telling cards!

Lenormand fortune telling cards were created by Mademoiselle Lenormand in 18 century France. They have become very popular because unlike Tarot they are not rooted in the spiritual or the occult. There are 36 cards in most Lenormand decks and they deal with realities of everyday life. They provide direct answers to situations in this material world. If you are stressed and anxious about something material, you can get quick answers that are precise and practical. Their symbols are also from everyday life like a Mountain, Garden, Book, Rider, etc.

Mademoiselle Lenormand who created these cards was the most famous clairvoyant of her times. She led an unusual and tumultuous life. Rebellious and bold, she was a fey child who made predictions that came true. And she was punished for them.

In Paris she heard of Etteilli Tarot cards but could not afford them. So, she started predicting with her playing cards and other materials like eggs, water, lamp, mirrors and coffee grounds. She was led to various alleyways of divination early in life, and met leading necromancers, magicians, Kabala practitioners, Tarot card readers, Cartomancers of the times. She wrote several books and made future predictions that were all correct.

She predicted World War I, space travel and air travel way ahead of their happening. She also predicted the French Revolution, fall of Louis the XVI, the beheading of Queen Marie Antoinette, rise of Napoleon, his marriage and his downfall.

She became a household name in France and UK. And ruled the salons and courts of both the countries. Imprisoned several times she dabbled in controversies until the very end.

Dr. Roopa Patel is a well-known Tarot consultant. She was the among the first to start Tarot in India. For consultation, please email to: roopapatel121@gmail.com

Aries Aries

Aries You have drawn card number 25 Ring and card number 17 Stork. Ring is the card of partnership, contract and commitment and Stork is about beginnings and movement. Together they indicate that a relationship is moving forward in a positive way. It could be a love relationship in which case wedding bells might ring or a professional relationship that could bring you rewards. You could win a contract or get a new job or get into a business partnership. It augurs well for all such combinations. The focus of this quarter is relationship.

Taurus Taurus

Taurus For this quarter, you have drawn card number 23 Mouse and card number 9 Flowers. The cards indicate recovery of some kind and getting back something that you might have lost. It could refer to a material thing or an emotion or a relationship. You could regain your confidence and get clarity regarding an important decision. The cards advise you to keep your humility and move ahead with an open mind. Explore things from all angles before you take any decision.

Gemini Gemini

Gemini Your cards this quarter are card numbers 11 Whip and 3 Ship. They indicate issues regarding your venture, work, business or travel. The cards advise you to move with caution and avoid all impulsive actions. It is important that you review your decisions and undo any mistakes that you might have made. It could be past karmas catching up with you. So, redeem yourself and your past actions and move forward to a new tomorrow. It will help to spend time by yourself - away from daily hassles - and peacefully be.

Cancer Cancer

Cancer Your focus this quarter is your family. You have drawn card number 15 Bear and card number 4 House. The Bear can represent your mother. And House is security. Your energies will go into looking after your parent or home which is safe and secure. In the work context the Bear could be a manager who is supportive. The quarter is about wealth and comfort, security and a feeling of well-being.

Leo Leo

Leo Your cards are number 8 Coffin and number 31 Sun. They suggest ending of a phase and a new beginning which is as bright as the Sun. So new opportunities, success and new ideas may come up for you. It is a good time to start an enterprise or do something exciting that you have been always wanting to do. However, you need to take care of your health. Avoid too much exposure to the Sun; you could get dehydrated. You need to calm down and not become hyper. With the Sun so prominent, you could burn too brightly and have a burn-out. Excellent time to start a new job.

Virgo Virgo

Virgo You have drawn card number 32 Moon and card number 19 Tower. The Moon brings honour, recognition and entry into an elite club. The Tower encourages you to let go of the past, all resentments and hurts. A new day is dawning for you with bright hopes and a new lease of life. Resolve any administrative issue or governmental blocks-as that will come through now.

Libra Libra

Libra Your cards for the quarter are card numbers 26 Book and 5 Tree. You have drawn card number 1 Rider as well. Though both these cards are positive and suggest growth and development, research and successful completion of projects, they also indicate that your health needs to be looked after. It will be wise to get all your medical tests done and resolve the minor health issues that might surface. The Rider indicates good news and movement so you need not worry…things will be just fine.

Scorpio Scorpio

Scorpio You have drawn card number 18 Dog and card number 33 Key. Both these cards are positive and suggests that solutions that you seek will come forth through a friend. The Key is a powerful card that suggests opening of a lock and as such means resolution of an issue and new doors that can open for you. The Dog represents a loyal friend, colleague or a reliable contact who could lead you to the right path. So, communication with the right people could help you in getting support for your project and ideas.

Sagittarius Sagittarius

Sagittarius The cards for you this quarter are numbers 16 Star and 2 Clover. These are the two brightest cards of the deck and long-term good luck. They also suggest resolution and fulfilment of your wishes. With these cards you could take some risks and still come out on the top. It is a good time to start something new, try for the top job, or invest in stocks and shares and consciously resolve all your problems.

Scorpio Capricorn

Capricorn Your cards are number 34 Fishes and number 27 Letter. Fishes is about money and Letter is about communication, accounts etc. The message is clear: this quarter you need to straighten your accounts and bring them up to date. All payments, tax returns, receipts, filing all money-related administration should be up to date. The focus for this quarter is money and finances. Once all accounting is clear, you look ahead to new money flowing in one way or the other. A good time to consolidate.

Aquarius Aquarius

Aquarius You have drawn three cards this quarter - card number 30 Lily, number 28 Man and number 21 Mountain. Lily is about age and experience and the Mountain is about difficulties and problems. You might find some health issues that needs to be addressed. Or the health of an older person in your family could be impacted by some issues. Ladies of this sign might travel overseas with a man of experience or a professional who will show you a new aspect of life. In any case, your life path or destiny could be linked to a man, romantic or otherwise.

Pisces Pisces

Pisces You have drawn card number 13 Child and number 35 Anchor. These cards suggest a fresh start. Take on something new and exciting. It could also indicate pregnancy and safe confinement. If you have children, pay attention to them as they need your focus and inputs. Anchor brings stability to all your efforts. The advice is to be solid and clear in your approach.

The forecasts are the interpretation of an independent Reader until the end of March 2024.
HDFC Bank is in no way associated with Tarot readings.